
Guidelines for Sustainable Cultural Tourism (2020)

Auteurs : Brian Smith et Matthias Ripp
Catégorie : Livres de référence
Année : 2020
Langue : Anglais

Cet article est une pré-impression d’une section de livre pour l’Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial de la publication: Luger, K. et Ripp, M: World Heritage, Place Making and Sustainable Tourism – Towards Integrative Approaches in Heritage Management, publié à l’automne 2020. Vous pouvez pré-commander la version imprimée du nouveau livre complet directement chez Studien-Verlag.

Résumé (anglais seulement) :
Post-Covid 19 times as opportunity for change?

“Although sustainability has been part of mainstream thinking on cultural heritage and tourism for some time, delivering sustainable cultural tourism has remained largely aspirational to date, with mass tourism maintaining its dominant role world-wide. Resilience has only more recently entered the discourse in terms of its importance in delivering cultural heritage led tourism but has particular relevance post Covid-19. The guidelines presented here are designed to show how decision makers may openly assess their current approach and begin to scope and develop a clear plan of action for a better, more sustainable and resilient future. The Covid-19 pandemic presents them, and all of us, with a once in a life time opportunity to rise to that challenge and ensure the pandemic cloud can indeed have a silver lining.”

Brian Smith, Secretary General of Heritage Europe, and Matthias Ripp, OWHC Regional Coordinator for Northwest Europe and North America, invite you to rethink the possibilities of change for all negative impacts of mass tourism in our World Heritage cities in a Post-Covid 19 time.