
New Urban Project

The development of the OWHC’s New Urban Project (“NUP”) is one of the Organization’s priorities. The activities carried out within the framework of the two programs dedicated to it should lead to its adoption by all member cities at the 18th World Congress of the OWHC (Marrakech, autumn 2026).

The NUP will offer to member cities a set of proposals for designing and implementing heritage-led local strategies to regenerate the habitability of historic centers.

The two programs of the NUP, the Quebec Roadmap and the Cordoba Path, offer one structured pathway composed by five complementary activities for member cities. They provide a collaborative engineering, tools, and resources from the OWHC’s network to build and foster a cultural shift in perceiving heritage as an asset, support structural transformation, broaden urban action, and create synergies that enhance cities’ ability to achieve their long-term vision.

Access the following links to know more about the five activities:

NUP Programs


Together towards the New Urban Project

Technical Assistance and Cooperation

Youth and citizens
